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[CSCO2014] 外周T细胞淋巴瘤的治疗现状及进展——Pier Paolo Piccaluga教授访谈
作者:P.PaoloPiccaluga 编辑:肿瘤瞭望 时间:2014/9/19 22:12:44 关键字:老年侵袭性T细胞白血病 淋巴瘤 

意大利博洛尼亚大学Pier Paolo Piccaluga教授访谈

  Oncology Frontier: How can we improve the treatment strategy for elderly aggressive adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATL) patients?


  Dr Piccaluga: We now have consistent data that for this disease, adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma, which is driven by a virus, HTLV-1, intensive chemotherapy is better than conventional chemotherapy. Japanese research has shown that a combined strategy with intensified treatment is effective. New randomized trials are now ongoing combining new agents such as CCR-4 inhibitors where molecules inhibit the specific receptor on the surface of the tumor cells in these intensified regimens to see if these combinations will be better than chemotherapy alone. Preliminary results are in favor of this.


  Oncology Frontier: What are the prognostic biomarkers in patients with localized natural killer/T-cell lymphoma treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy?


  Dr Piccaluga: This is an important issue because all of us would like to have biomarkers predicting prognosis at the beginning of treatment. When we deal with localized (early-stage) disease, it is more difficult to have strong prognostic factors. An important issue is, as these tumors are associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, the measure of EBV load in the blood of the patient can better refine the evaluation of treatment response. So soon after treatment, other than CT scan and PEP, if you evaluate the EBV load in the blood of the patient, you can really know if the patient is likely to be cured or need further treatment.


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